The really frightening thing about middle age is the knowledge that you'll grow out of it. - DORIS DAY

Saturday, December 23, 2017

A Diamond, Among Others

I have been wanting to write something about this for quite some time.

Well, it's Christmas time and I was given the cause last night by having the time to chat with a diamond, among others, so I pulled the trigger.

There are some wonderful people out there - embrace them.

Several years ago, while on a drive with an uncle of mine, the song People, sung by Barbra Streisand, was playing and just after the line from the song, "People who need people are the luckiest people in the world." had played, he said, "Well, that's a bunch of shit."

This was the first time I had spent any one-on-one time with this man who I admire and respect. Not a recluse, but he was the one who spent very little time with the family. He's not the life of the party, but he is well educated, both institutionally and self-taught, always searching for and soaking up information, discernibly though - no idiot, by any means. He can be very engaging one-on-one.

I had just gotten to know my uncle more in this 20 minute car ride than I had in over 30 years. I learned another side of him during this time - he has a sense of humor and this slight cynicism I missed somewhere during those other years, perhaps because we were always in family settings and I never had had that one-on-one time with my uncle.

After finally getting to know him a little better, I appreciated his "That's a bunch of shit." line, but no one else would if you knew his siblings, particularly, my father and his brother. They, we, are people-persons, sometimes to a fault, if there be such a thing.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Pine Cone Cheese Ball

Pine Cone Cheese Ball
Well, I finally pulled the trigger on making this pine cone cheese ball thanks to having an event worthy of such a task - the annual Santa Lucia celebration of the Nordic Club of Columbia, S.C.

It was a success - so I was told. Scandinavians are a very honest bunch of folks (sometimes, to a fault) or at least, polite.

This is definitely a dish for which you have to pay attention to its appeal, as much, or more so than its taste. However, I do have some aesthetic ideas for the next one.

I actually wanted the pine cone to sit on the table in all its glory for a while, but someone, whom I won't mention, decided it looked good enough, just long enough, and then it became food. Thankfully, the taste reviews equaled the presentation compliments.

I obtained this recipe from my good friends at MeadowCroft Farm, but, as with most recipes, I made some adjustments.

Oh, by the way, those are true Norway Spruce (Picea abies) branches I used as a garnish. No, not really.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Tracking TLS Trim Tea

TLS Trim Tea
I began taking TLS Trim Tea Monday, December 11.

I don't have anything exciting to tell you (just yet) because this is not how Trim Tea works. You'll hear or have heard all these grand stories from manufacturers who promote great weight loss in just days or weeks. Wow! I can think of several ways to lose water weight, but water weight is not body fat.

To learn more about TLS Trim Tea from Brandi Murphy (Director of nutraMetrix Custom Health Solutions and Owner of Nourishment for Moms) and comments from users, please go here.

One thing I have already noticed is that I am not as hungry as usual, but I can't say I feel full, definitely not bloated. Frankly, I don't want to feel full or bloated - I've got stuff to do.

I went ahead and purchased 60 days of Trim Tea. This is recommended because this is how Trim Tea works.

I will not be as active during the coming colder months. Also, I don't plan on changing what and how I eat and this could even be worse during the holidays. Yet, again, I have already noticed not feeling as hungry or wanting to eat simply for the sake of eating.

I will be updating this post about every two weeks to let you know how Trim Tea is working for me.

Learn how to save on TLS Trim Tea.

P.S. I am also sleeping better, more soundly.

Friday, December 15, 2017

The Eyes Have It

Beautiful Eyes

As I have always said. "The eyes have it." And, we have Motives Fiber Lush Mascara at…/Motives+reg+Fiber+Lush+Mascara-14875…

Motives® Fiber Lush Mascara

This is one of our exclusive brands, so you can receive an additional 10% off. Learn how at

Friday, December 8, 2017

Holiday Treat - Pistachio Gelato with Rosemary Sprinkles

Pistachio Ice Cream with Rosemary SprinklesIf you read my article Landscape to Table you may remember I mentioned putting together a pistachio ice cream and rosemary dessert dish.

Well, I did, and wow! These two flavors complement one another so well, and with limited effort and very little amounts of rosemary.

I love to cook and I usually experiment with flavors from what's in the fridge and the cupboards.

This was simply a somewhat-educated-and-experienced hunch, and it worked - one attempt, no re-tries, no refinement.

I used gelato instead of ice cream because that is what I found first. It was Sicilian Gelato by talenti® purchased at Publix®.
Feel free to use that heavily colored nuclear-glow green ice cream which is so common.

If you have a rosemary plant (If not, at least buy one in a pot - there's much for which it can be used.), cut off whatever you believe is necessary for the number of dessert dishes you are preparing. You'll figure this out after reading further.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Ignorance is Bliss, Somewhat, But it Helps

"Ignorance is bliss.", is somewhat of a metaphor and doesn't imply the owner of such claim is ignorant, but one who chooses to ignore all the idiocy around them - a wise decision, yet not always so easily reached.

As physically and mentally healthy as we may be, stress, from certain situations or circumstances, can affect any of us, both emotionally and physically.

Bliss - Anti-Stress Formula
This is Bliss

As with all dietary or nutritional supplements you may use or consume, please read its label in entirety. Most of our product labels are available on-line. If not, please contact me using the Contact Us feature to the right.

If you are already a Preferred Customer you may wish to simply go to Bliss. If not, you will probably want to go to SHOP for Everything to learn more and then go to Bliss.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

The Holidays Just Began, Butt...

Weight Control
...belly and hips may be enjoying the festivities a little too much for many of us over the next 30 or so days.

There will be company Christmas parties, family get-togethers, dinners and football parties (for some) - a lot of nibbling, munching and some gorging going on.

There will be treats, snacks, hors d'oeuvres, eggnog and twelve course meals, all tempting us to relax a little and give that feud we've been having with certain foods (or food in general) a little rest.

Well, there's help. It's called TLS Trim Tea. TLS Trim Tea isn’t only a great tasting, research-backed slimming tea. It’s perfectly packaged so you never miss a day, even while you’re traveling for the holidays!

I can resist everything except temptation. - OSCAR WILDE

As with all dietary or nutritional supplements you may use or consume, please read its label in entirety. Most of our product labels are available on-line. If not, please contact me using the Contact Us feature to the right.

If you are already a Preferred Customer you may wish to simply go to TLS Trim Tea. If not, you will probably want to go to SHOP for Everything to learn more and then go to TLS Trim Tea.

Oh, please order soon if you are thinking of TLS Trim Tea as a Christmas gift. The response has been overwhelming and we are trying to keep up with demand.

TLS Trim Tea