The really frightening thing about middle age is the knowledge that you'll grow out of it. - DORIS DAY


While here on our site please feel free to use the comment section on any page or post, or use the Contact Us feature to the right for private communications. I am notified of both fairly quickly, but the Contact Us form submissions are easier to retrieve when away from the office.

Also, you can leave a message by clicking on the drop-down on the SHOP.COM site or by selecting Contact Us on any of the other sites.

I will do my best to have an answer, find the answer or the person with the answer whether it is regarding health or a supplement, another product, shopping or a program or feature we offer.

Please leave your phone number. This is usually the best way to communicate, particularly regarding health or an issue which simply can't be easily handled otherwise.

Thank you.

Doug Ingbretsen

P.S. Yes, it is a cheesy picture, but it's me.

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