The really frightening thing about middle age is the knowledge that you'll grow out of it. - DORIS DAY

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Newspaper or Boat Anchor

Thanksgiving Day Newspaper
I went to get the paper this morning and on my way back up the driveway I thought it felt and had the weight of the Sunday paper, the day after Carolina beats Clemson (Okay, or vice versa you darn Clemson fans.).

I had to tear the plastic bag to get to this monstrosity.

Then I remembered - tomorrow is Black Eye Friday. There are not that many scandalous, corrupt or interesting events which took place yesterday in the world, or Columbia (well, perhaps the corrupt part).

The diet-sized news sections are bolstered up by about the three inches of ads for Black Friday.

Well, if you want a saner and safer way to shop this weekend or even on Cyber Monday, while saving a boatload (We have the anchor.), then go to SHOP for Everything. Or, if you are already a preferred customer, simply click on the SHOP icon to the right.

Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving!

P.S. Here's the 411 on the whole turkey (L-Tryptophan) and sleepiness conspiracy. Don't blame Tom on your overeating and drinking - enjoy. Who knows? You may make it through one football game.

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